Hill Country Wine Tours Albert

Hill Country Wine Tours Provides Private All-Inclusive Customized Trips Daily


Albert, originally Martinsburg, is a ghost town 16 miles southeast of Fredericksburg and one mile west of the Blanco County line in southeastern Gillespie County, Texas, United States. The town was a stop on the Fredericksburg-Blanco stage route and in 1967 became a stop on the President’s Ranch Trail. Albert Ice House & Dance Hall is a Hill Country Happy Hour or Night Cap at the only cocktail lounge between Johnson City & Fredericksburg!

Who We Love In Albert

Jessica Scanlon Avatar
Hill Country Wine Tours delivered an amazing, first-class experience for our very large group of 35 women. Every step of the trip was carefully curated. I would highly recommend them if you're looking to create a memorable experience in the hill country.
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Jessica Scanlon 1/29/2024
Kristin Stevens Avatar
We had the pleasure of working with Dave this past weekend. I highly recommend Dave and Hill Country Wine Tours for any/all Fredericksburg Wine Tour experiences. Our trip was amazing and will definitely use Dave and his crew again.
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Kristin Stevens 1/29/2024
Susie Hilton Avatar
Dave made our adventure so fun and easy! Highly recommend booking a tour with Hill Countru Wine Tours!
Susie Hilton 1/12/2024
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